So few months back I found my phone Nexus 5 was turn off all of sudden and as anyone would do I pressed the power button and tried to start the phone but just after 10 sec it went in boot-loop mode ON-GOOGLE LOGO-OFF ON-GOOGLE LOGO-OFF ON-GOOGLE LOGO-OFF then completely turn off again pressed power button same thing happen. I did some research and found out it's a common problem with Nexus 5.
Most solution what even Google recommend is that it's a software problem and will go if to factory reset the phone or go in fast-boot mode and wipe clean partition.
But I was sure its not a software problem but a hardware problem.
It's not a complete fix and I will not be held responsible if anything went wrong proceed at your own risk. If it worked for me doesn't mean it will work for you.
Take out any protective case from the phone
Find a Good Hard surface
Smash the back side of the phone near power button(or smash the power button side) on the hard surface
Intensity of the power/ hit would be like you are knocking a door a bit hard
You might not have the courage to hit it hard on first try but on 3rd or 4th time you will hit it hard enough to fix the problem
Then Power up the phone if doesn't worked repeat
I honestly don't know how it's work but its fixes the problem. It's a temporary fix and it occurred again for me after a week so I decide I need to further do something about it. The best solution was not to press power button ever again.
I searched Google for some apps and found a app called Gravity Screen. Its free on play store. It's a great app and doesn't seem to seem affect my phone battery life too much max 3-7% after full charge. The app would automatically open and close the phone using proximity sensor and other things.
Now the problem haven't occurred for more than one month and I am relieved that didn't have to spend any money for it. So you can give phone to LG service center and get it repair for $150(they will change motherboard) or to to a local repair to shop change power button for $10 or use this simple hack for Free choice is yours .
Do let us know if the Hack work for you and if you have any query email me or leave them in comment section below.
Clash of Clan is most popular IOS and Android Game and a new working hack has been out for it it brings with it some much wanted features such as the ability to keep active, search loot, use sandbox mode and attack simulation. NOTE: Tech Ok Tech can't be held responsible for any damage that may occur on your device in the process. If steps are not followed it could brick the device and game. The hack will allow you to add active cheat for the game. So lets begin,
We assume that you have a Jailbroken device and are familiar with the use of Cydia
Go to sources and click ‘edit’ on to and then ‘Add’ in top Left
Today, Google introducing something new. It’s called Inbox. Years in the making, Inbox is by the same people who brought you Gmail, but it’s not Gmail: it’s a completely different type of inbox, designed to focus on what really matters. Email started simply as a way to send digital notes around the office. But fast-forward 30 years and with just the phone in your pocket, you can use email to contact virtually anyone in the world…from your best friend to the owner of that bagel shop you discovered last week. With this evolution comes new challenges: we get more email now than ever, important information is buried inside messages, and our most important tasks can slip through the cracks—especially when we’re working on our phones. For many of us, dealing with email has become a daily chore that distracts from what we really need to do—rather than helping us get those things done.
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