Monday, January 27, 2014

Google and Samsung Patent Deal(10 Years)

Patent are the most important things for the companies now a days. We can see most of the big companies like Samsung, Apple, HTC, Sony, Microsoft, Google are in some or the other lawsuit with other companies related  the infringement of patents. Companies like apple and Nokia are know to be aggressive when it came to patent lawsuit.

Google is one the companies that have said that we will not fight with patents rather with innovation. It has many steps to prevent patent troll. Due to constant growth of android popularity, many have sued either google or android OMEs(majorly Samsung).

Both componies are under one umberala of android, they dont seen to be threat to each other but this deal is beneficial for both the companies. But it important to note that some of the patents are not cover under this deal. So I fell that Google is most like to preserve some of its Motorola, google[x] lab and android patent on the other side Samsung will like to prevent some of its research and touchwiz patents.

Andvantages for Samsung:

  1. Clearly in the defending lawsuit againts other companies mainly Apple.
  2. Getting most the patents regarding andoid to improve touchwiz

Advantages for Google:

  1. Some of the key hardware patents for its subsidy Motorola.
  2. Adding more feature to stock android that are available on touchwiz.
Will this really help google or samsung?
Let us know what you think about this Deal in comment below. It will be appreciated. 

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