Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Why is BlackBerry wasting time with BBM for Android Gingerbread?

UPDATE: Now, anyone with a device running Gingerbread (v. 2.3) can also get hold of the free app. 
Its seems like that the BBM running on Gingerbread is bit buggy and on some devices the app force closes.

BlackBerry Messenger, a popular messaging service in some markets, will soon be updated to support older Android devices. BBM has accrued tens of millions of new users on Android and iOS.
The BBM team announced that a release that also supports Gingerbread phones is now in beta, with a target launch for February. More specifically, the updated BBM for Android app will support devices running Android 2.3.3 and higher. Launched in October BBM currently only supports Android 4.0 and higher which left out Gingerbread, the three-year-old version of Android that was popular among entry-level Android smartphones
Also, BBM’s past hasn't been all that glorious. Remember how it topped the charts when Blackberry launched it on Android and iOS? BBM is currently on number 130 on the top free apps in the Indian Google Play store and ranks 137 on Apple’s App Store.
But Why for 3 years old Operating system 
  1. Till January 8th, there was still 21 percent of all Android users still running Gingerbread translating in millions of potential new users.
  2. Many other IM apps like whatsapp, wechat are available on more OS's than BBM. So it will give BBM a little edge in that game 
  3. According to the recent report BBM is being separated from Blackberry, so Its new team can entirely focus on one project.
  4. BlackBerry products and services are still very popular in developing markets like India, Indonesia and many other developing markets. 
This new is a good new for all the gingerbread user. Its a good thing to have an app (BBM in this case) available across the whole range of Android OS. But it will good to see if Blackberry increase the number of OS's it support in future.

What do you think should Blackberry continue to extend BBM to more OS's? Will it really help blackberry? 
Let us know in the comment below .Please comment if you are a Gingerbread user 

Grab the app here:

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